why whey protien
It provides the player about his need more than a third of daily protein and has won the confidence of what is achieved by supplementing the impressive results obtained in the magnitude of muscle without gaining any fat.
What is Whey protien :
Whey protein is the so-called whey protein.
And make Wi Church of milk, which consists of (92% water - 6.5 to lactose - 0.9 -0.2 vitamins, protein and fats, salts and dissolved) and the results from the process of turning milk into cheese.
Why it important ? really why ?
- Provide you with the necessary amino acids needed to build muscle tissue.
- Improve your performance sport
- Strengthens the body's immune
As we know that there are many sources of protein (such as meat - fish - eggs - and .........)
But Wi-protein is characterized by them to the following:
1 - high biological value-
2 - Srahalhim and absorption of from 45 to 60 minutes
3 - Easy addressed
* It is a balanced mixture of basic amino acids and non-core
* Of the most protein sources Ahtwaoua amino acids saturated (BCAA)
* An important source of amino acids with a sulfur-rich (methionine and cysteine)
Acid and cysteine has an important role Jdahit the body needs to build glutathione is important for the immune system and also works as an antioxidant.
* Goes Paljlotamen is important to maintain the muscle mass gained.
* Contains calcium is important for building strong bones and studies have also demonstrated the importance of calcium in reducing the deposition of fat (as at low levels of calcium, parathyroid gland secretes a hormone that fat deposition).
* By the proportion of variety of vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B12 and folic acid
Brief on Wi-protein types:
1 - Wi-protein Centre (WPC):
After doing the process of nomination of the Church fluid milk and processed at a given temperature to get rid
Of the lactose, fats and cholesterol results in Wi-center powder
Wi-center protein in which 80% with a little fat and lactose.
2 - Wi-isolated protein (WPI):
Pettm treated better than Wi-Center
The formation of protein where 90 of the 95% and free of lactose and fat
Faster in the digestion and absorption from the center
3-Ion-Exchanged Protein Isolates:
Removal takes place by electrical discharges
Protein up to 98%
4-Hydrolyzed Whey Peptide) HWP):
Wi-insulated or center, but is characterized by a short peptide bonds
(Easy to analyze water and quick absorption)
Doses and times taken:
- 3 times a day, each time eating 30 grams protein and any
- Before breakfast or between meals
- Immediately after exercise
- Hours before the long sleep
Natural product and security when using the recommended doses
Wi-month products that achieved the highest sales:
1 - Wi-protein from Optimum
And who won the prize for the best protein supplement for 2006
2 - Way of the universal protein
3 - Way of the protein twin lab
4 - Wi-protein from EAS
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